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The size and morphology of an animal is a key constraint to its habitat use and foraging capabilities, and can reflect its current health and overall fitness. The MaRRS lab uses drone-based photogrammetry to study the size, body condition, and morphology of marine animals, using both manual and automated approaches.

Seasonal gain in body condition of foraging humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula


Most baleen whales are capital breeders that use stored energy acquired on foraging grounds to finance the costs of migration and reproduction on breeding grounds. Body condition reflects past foraging success and can act as a proxy for individual fitness. Hence, monitoring the seasonal gain in body condition of baleen whales while on the foraging grounds can inform how marine mammals support the costs of migration, growth, and reproduction, as well as the nutritional health of the overall population. Here, we use photogrammetry from drone-based imagery to examine how the body condition of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) changed over the foraging season (November to June) along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) from 2017 to 2019. This population (IWC stock G) is recovering from past whaling and is growing rapidly, providing an opportunity to study how whales store energy in a prey-rich environment. We used a body area index (BAI) to estimate changes in body condition and applied a Bayesian approach to incorporate measurement uncertainty associated with different drone types used for data collection. We used biopsy samples to determine sex and pregnancy status, and a length-based maturity classification to assign reproductive classes (n = 228; calves = 31, juveniles = 82, lactating females = 31, mature males = 12, mature unknown sex = 56, non-pregnant females = 12, pregnant females = 3, pregnant & lactating females = 1). Average BAI increased linearly over the feeding season for each reproductive class. Lactating females had lower BAI compared to other mature whales late in the season, reflecting the high energetic costs of nursing a calf. Mature males and non-pregnant females had the highest BAI values. Calves and juvenile whales exhibited an increase in BAI but not structural size (body length) over the feeding season. The body length of lactating mothers was positively correlated with the body length of their calves, but no relationship was observed between the BAI of mothers and their calves. Our study establishes a baseline for seasonal changes in the body condition for this humpback whale population, which can help monitor future impacts of disturbance and climate change.


Bierlich, K. C., Joshua Hewitt, Robert S. Schick, Logan Pallin, Julian Dale, Ari S. Friedlaender, Fredrik Christiansen et al. “Seasonal gain in body condition of foraging humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula.” Frontiers in Marine Science 9 (2022): 1036860.


Accurate measurements of animal body mass and composition are crucial to assessing wildlife health and understanding ecological processes driving population vital rates. However, these metrics are challenging to collect due to logistical difficulties, costs and large time commitments. Here, we present a novel application of UAS technology to measure body size (i.e. volume) and estimate mass, using high-resolution SfM photogrammetry. This method takes a new approach by 3-D modelling large groups of free-living animals simultaneously. While this study uses grey seals as a case model, we believe this method is broadly applicable to other species and taxa.

Tracking wildlife energy dynamics with unoccupied aircraft systems and three-dimensional photogrammetry


  1. We present a novel application using unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS; drones) for structure-from-motion three-dimensional (3-D) photogrammetry of multiple, free-living animals simultaneously. Pinnipeds reliably haul out on shore for pupping and breeding each year, accompanied by dramatic female-to-pup mass transfer over a short lactation period and males lose mass while defending mating territories. This provides a tractable study system for validating the use of UAS as a non-invasive tool for tracking energy dynamics in wild populations.
  2. UAS imagery of grey seals Halichoerus grypus was collected at Saddle Island, Nova Scotia. A multirotor UAS was piloted in 360-degree orbits around relatively dense animal aggregations and georeferenced images were used for construction of a 3-D point cloud, orthomosaic and Digital Surface Model for animal volumetric measurements. Directly following UAS survey, a subset of adult females were hand-measured (morphometrics, blubber depth, n = 21 handlings [15 were unique animals]) and female–pup pairs were weighed (adult females: n = 32 [24]; pups: n = 33 [23]) to validate that UAS 3-D photogrammetric models provided accurate animal volume and mass estimates.
  3. UAS two-dimensional body length measurements were sensitive to animal recumbency and posture. The new UAS 3-D photogrammetric method overcame these constraints, and aerial-derived body volume measurements were equivalent to those collected from the ground. UAS body volume measurements precisely predicted ‘true’ body mass (mean absolute error, adult female: 3.8 kg, 2.1% body mass; pup: 4.1 kg, 9.8%), and exhibited a stronger relationship with total body mass than with blubber volume.
  4. The method was applied to 673 free-living animals to characterize volume and mass dynamics across lactation and breeding for a much larger sample size than would be possible using traditional ground methods. Indeed, 1–46 animals (M ± SE: 9.2 ± 1.2) were modelled concurrently within the focal area of a UAS flight. Application of the method also captured significant inter-annual variation in body volume/mass dynamics, and female-to-pup energy transfer efficiencies were lower when there was low sea ice extent. The UAS 3-D photogrammetric method presented in this study is likely to be broadly applicable to other species, and the ability to measure whole groups of free-living animals at once makes strides towards ‘weighing populations’.


Shero, M. R.Dale, J.Seymour, A. C.Hammill, M. O.Mosnier, A.Mongrain, S., & Johnston, D. W. (2021). Tracking wildlife energy dynamics with unoccupied aircraft systems and three-dimensional photogrammetryMethods in Ecology and Evolution1224582472